Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstract submission can ONLY be done through the ASDP2025 Mumbai website.
- Both registered delegates and prospective delegates are allowed to submit abstracts.
- Registered delegates can submit abstracts using the username and password received
during registration.
- Prospective delegates should create their profile on the ASDP2025 Mumbai website and
submit abstracts.
- All abstracts must be submitted in English.
- To ensure a blinded review, no identifying features such as names of authors,
collaborators, hospitals, medical colleges, clinics, or places should be listed in the
title or text page of the abstract.
- Author details and their affiliation(s) should be entered only on the online portal while submitting.
- Title should be brief, self-explanatory and written in ‘Sentence case’.
- Avoid abbreviations in the title.
- Prospective presenters must submit a structured abstract with a maximum of 300 words
(excluding title, authors, their affiliations, etc.) containing the following sections:
- Background
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Keywords should be limited to 3 to 6 words.
- Conflict of interest statement and declaration of conflict is mandatory.
- Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms in the abstract.
- Abstracts will be reproduced as such, therefore the onus of ensuring proper language,
factual accuracy, and responsibility of avoiding plagiarism lies with the authors.
- Non-adherence to any guideline may result in an automatic rejection of the abstract.
- Once uploaded successfully, you will get a communication acknowledgement.
- A preferable presentation type should be indicated as an oral presentation or a poster
presentation. The final decision will be made by the abstract reviewing committee.
- A submitting author is considered as a presenter during the congress. When submitting an
abstract, please make sure to use the same e-mail address as for your ASDP Congress
registration. Failing to use matching e-mail addresses might result in rejection of your abstract.
- Registration to the congress and payment of the respective fee is mandatory to be able
to present the abstract and get it published in the abstract book.
- If the speaker fails to register and pay before this date, his/her abstract will be
excluded from the scientific programme and publication.
- Presenters who are unable to attend the conference may nominate a substitute presenter,
provided the substitute is a co-author of the paper and is registered to attend the
- Information regarding change of presenting author has to be conveyed by email by
September 15, 2025, in order for the presentations to be included in the final program.
- Out of all abstract submissions, the Best Abstract will be awarded.
- Please check the conference website www.asdp2025mumbai.org and follow us on ASDP's social media platforms (LinkedIn, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram ) for the latest news from time to time for all updates.
Steps for Abstract submission
- Log on to the ASDP2025 Mumbai website.
- Click on Abstracts.
- Read the general guidelines.
- Click on the category in which you want to submit the abstract.
- Read the guidelines for abstract submission in that category.
- Now upload your abstract.
- Once it is uploaded, then press the submit button on the screen.
- Only if you get a dialogue box on the screen stating “Abstract has been submitted
successfully,” has your abstract been successfully uploaded.
Abstract Revision and Withdrawal Policy
- Abstracts may be revised or withdrawn before the abstract deadline.
- For requesting abstract revisions or withdrawals, the submitter must contact the
ASDP2025 office at office@asdp2025.org.
- Abstracts cannot be revised or withdrawn after May 31, 2025.
Abstract Submitter’s Declaration
- I confirm that I previewed this abstract and that all information is correct. I accept
that the content of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final
submission, and I am aware that it will be published as submitted.
- Submitting the abstract implies the consent of all authors for its publication (e.g., on the conference website, in
programmes, in other promotions, etc.).
- I hereby confirm that the contact details saved in this system are those of the
presenting author, who will be notified about the status of the abstract. The presenting
author is responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.
- I understand that the presenting author must be a registered participant.
- The organizers reserve the right to remove from publication and/or presentation an
abstract that does not comply with the above.